Why Chasing Women Doesn't Work, & What Does

Within the entirety of the animal kingdom, humans are the only ones who seem to think we have things “all figured out”, and are somehow smarter than Nature itself.

In every other species, especially mammals, the male concerns himself with demonstrating dominance within the hierarchy of other males of the pack.

For example, male rams bloody each other in loud, violent jousting matches, using their powerful horns to smash each other into submission.

The females of the group simply watch from the sidelines as the winner is decided.

Once the dominant male has conquered his weaker challengers, the women line up to submit to the male who has proven that he is worthy to reproduce.

Nearly all other mammals participate in similar rituals of male aggression and power, and female selectiveness.

Laughing At Nature

Only human beings, especially human males, dare to challenge this biological hardwiring.

Instead of establishing ourselves as dominant men, and letting women select, as they are instinctively programmed to do, human males think we can overcome nature, and somehow pursue, pester, and badger women into sexual submission.

Through an ever increasing array of “cold approach” pick up lines and “techniques”, men continue to arrogantly laugh in the face of God, insidiously protesting that his design doesn’t work, and ours does. Or should.

Females are designed to select, and then recieve, emotionally, spiritually, and physically, the most dominant male they can get.

Running up on women, like a chicken hopped up on methamphetamines, is against nature.

Women instinctively know that it’s out of sequence.

As a result, the “cold approach” gets rejected, nearly every time.

While it can be fun, empowering, and even educational to randomly speak to women (I’ve done it many times), the value of so called “cold approach” lies in building confidence, improving social skills, and overcoming anxiety.

Cold approach, dating apps, having your mother set you up, and any other goofy, unnatural “strategies” men attempt are designed to fail and they always will.

Even the most devoted advocate of “day game” will admit that his awkward “stops”, “opens”, and “stacks” are rejected, often cruelly, almost 100% of the time.

Is there a better way?

Men Compete, Women Select

In the human world, this phenomenon unfolds in any environment where men and women interact.

However, it is most clearly witnessed among teenagers, in the broiling cauldron of hormones that we in the United States call secondary, or “high school”.

Everyone who has ever set foot on a high school campus, or watched a cheesy 90s teen movie, knows what I’m describing.

Just like rams in the wild, the biggest, strongest males of the pack pummel each other in violent battles for dominance, as the females passively observe.

In Human packs, we call these battles “football”, “basketball”, “lacrosse”, and others.

Young human males sport brightly colored uniforms and an chase inflated rubber orbs on a playing field, rather than smash each other in the head in a mountain meadow, but the objective is the same: to display physical dominance.

Women choose the strongest males, and make themselves available to that select group of men, like cheerleaders waiting outside the locker room for the team.

In How to Be A 3% Man, author Corey Wayne wrote “It simply will not feel right to a woman if you chase her.”

Every man that has ever pursued a woman knows this cruel fact.

The more you are attracted to a woman, the more you get emotional, weak, and chase her, the more she will pull away.

Dominant Males Mate

When we consider the dating game through this lens, we understand why women prefer the confident, physically strong men they are hardwired to select.

You know longer have to wonder, and whine, about why “Women don’t like nice guys”.

They don’t, and they’re not supposed to.

Human women select males the same way that ALL females,

in any animal social group,

have been selecting mates,

for millions of years.

They wait for men to compete for dominance. Then the female chooses the strongest, most dominant male she can attract.

Displaying Dominance

The purpose of this post is not to convince you to go back in time and try out for the high school rugby team.

You don’t have to shoot up steroids and smash other men into submission with your forehead (although if you enjoy that, you should look into training in muay Thai, or some other combat sport.

Read my post “Why Every Man Needs Muay Thai”.

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Understand this immutable law of female nature- and use it to your advantage.

The dominant male ram doesn’t chase females of he species.

He simply doesn’t have to.

When he is able to demonstrate that he is a leader among the males of the group, the females make themselves available to, and even pursue, him.

Does the starting quarterback “cold approach” 100 cheerleaders, getting mocked and rejected by 97, to (maybe) sleep with 3?

Not a chance.

If you’ve ever witnessed a sports game on any level, or any type of performance like a concert or DJ set, you know that when the game is done, or when the show is over, throngs of beautiful women are standing around, waiting to be plucked from the bunch like grapes.

The lead guitarist doesn’t have to swipe on a million fat, entitled single moms, or run “text game” on bored women who are just using him to waste time.

Instead, such a man leveraged his natural talents and interests, such as playing guitar, competing in a sport, etc., to show that he was dominant among other men, and USED THAT to attract women the ONLY way nature intended.

Social Hierarchy Dating

A man employing my system of Social Hierarchy Dating doesn’t fight the uphill battle against nature, chasing women down busy city streets, pestering them in coffee shops and shopping malls.

This man understands biology, and works WITH, not AGAINST it.

He invests in himself, carving himself into an attractive man, like a sculptor with a block of marble.

The Social Hierarchy Dating (SHD) male gets involved with activities that he is passionate about, and works to display dominance within those social groups, knowing that once he is proven to be dominant, he doesn’t have to pursue women.

He won’t need to, because women will be the ones chasing him.